Doing the Diligent
A collection of case studies & work from over the years.
2022 • System Flows
Common Traditional Closing Workflow
A workflow illustrating the movement of a closing through systems
2022 • Design
Closing Quality Control Case Study
Design & development of a machine learning quality control system
2021 • Personal
Yard Bird Observer
A simple website I put together to keep track of birds in my yard
2021 • Design
SaaS Dispatch Case Study
Design & Development of a SaaS EMS Dispatching System
2021 • Design
Road Safety Data Visualization
Example of EMS Road Safety Fleet Data
2020 • Personal
Headlights Series
A series of illustrations highlighting the unique and recognizable properties of vehicles I love. Some I've owned, some are those I'd like to own, or very much admire.
2019 • User Experience Leadership
Presenting UX to a Brand New Team
As my new team embarked on a new product, I used the opportunity to educate them on UX, plus introduce them to our users and why we were making what we were making.
2019 • Research
Top Tasks for a New Product
Gaining a concrete understanding of what features really mattered to our user base.
2019 • Case Study
Walkie Talkie for First Responders
Working to bring clarity to a loosely-defined feature. Before my joining the team, they had an idea of what they wanted to build, however did not have a shared vision and objective.
2017 • Case Study
Establishing a Style Guide
Building a style guide from scratch for a company which had no front-end developers or designers.
2016 • Case Study
Door To Door Organics Case Studies
A selection of projects I worked on while at Door To Door Organics.